
A thorough edit enhances the quality and polishes the wording of your manuscript by checking for larger issues that may hinder a reader’s ability to understand your message.

  • Clarity—Does the writing focus around a clearly defined message? Is the wording unambiguous? Is the message clearly explained without talking down to or insulting the reader?
  • Consistency—Are language usage and style consistent throughout the document? Are headings, images, and footnotes formatted consistently? Do the headings match the content?
  • Accuracy—Are the facts presented correct, and do they support the conclusion? Do any of the ideas presented contradict each other? Are all quotations and references correctly cited?
  • Style—Are most of the verbs active? Is the sentence style varied? Does each sentence present a unique idea?
  • Flow—Is the information presented in a logical order? Is any vital information missing? Does the presentation of the information invite the reader to engage with the message?

Rates are based on the initial word count before editing. Any subsequent additions to the manuscript of a paragraph or more will be billed at the standard rate. A 25% deposit is required before work begins.

Standard Edit—Academic

Standard Edit—Other

Subsequent Read-throughs (Optional)




*Editing and writing are subjective, human processes, and perfection is an unobtainable goal. Uplift Editing agrees to make every effort to identify questionable or erroneous material but does not guarantee a 100% error-free manuscript.