
If your manuscript has already been copyedited, proofreading gives it a final fine-tuning by checking for easily missed details.

  • Spelling—Are similar-sounding words spelled correctly? Are hyphens used correctly? Is a given spelling British or American?
  • Grammar—Does the verb agree with the subject? Are there any dangling modifiers? Are headings and lists parallel?
  • Punctuation—Are there one or two spaces after a period? Are commas, dashes, and semicolons used correctly? Are consecutive punctuation marks in the correct order?
  • Word usage—Do all the words mean what they are supposed to mean? Is the vocabulary level appropriate for the intended audience? Is the wording active and engaging?
  • Formatting—Are tabs used instead of indents? Are headings, images, and footnotes formatted consistently? Are all citations properly formatted?
Rates are based on the initial word count before editing. Any subsequent additions to the manuscript of a paragraph or more will be billed at the standard rate. A 25% deposit is required before work begins.

Standard Proofread (One Read-through)

Subsequent Read-throughs (Optional)



*Editing and writing are subjective, human processes, and perfection is an unobtainable goal. Uplift Editing agrees to make every effort to identify questionable or erroneous material but does not guarantee a 100% error-free manuscript.